Expression 1. by the+기간 : ~단위로
1. Parking fees are done by the minutes. 주차 요금은 분당으로 계산됩니다.
2. You can rent the car by the day.
3. Lawyer charge by the(디) hour.
Expression 2. Make Sure ~ : 꼭 ~ 하세요.
1. Make sure you call me back.
2. Make sure you don’t leave your bag on the bus.
3. Make sure the kids know how to contact you.
Expression 3. Keep+무엇+어디 : ~무엇을 어디에 두다
1. Keep the dog on his leash : 개를 개 목걸이에 묶어서 두세요.
2. Keep the keys in your pocket.
3. Keep your opinion to yourself : 속으로만 생각하세요.
Expression 4. out of sight(아웃러브) : 보이지 않는 곳에
1. The keys fell out of sight behind the sofa.
2. Please keep the stuff out of sight. 보이지 않는 곳에 놓아 주세요.
3. The house was out of sight around the corner.
Expression 5. It seems like = It looks like
1. It seems like a nice day for a picnic.
2. It seems like everyone is happy here.
3. It seems like there is not enough water.