Lesson 6
Expression 1 I’m going to + 동사원형 “나는 ~할 예정이야”
1. I’m going to call you as soon as I find the answer. “내가 정답을 찾자마자 전화를 줄게”
2. I’m going to ask Tom for his help. "탐에게 도움을 요청할꺼야"
3. I’m going to need a new place to live.
“지금 돌아가는 상황 보아하니 새로운 곳이 필요할 거 같아.”
Expression 2 pay for “~에 대해 지불하다.”
1. He’ll (=will) pay for the damage to the furniture. “가구 파손한 것에 대해서 그가 지불할
2. You have to pay for the movie ticket. “당신이 영화 티켓 사셔야 되요.”
3. I’ll (=will) pay for lunch this time. “제가 점심값 사겠습니다.”
Expression 3 not ~ at all “전혀 아닙니다.”
1. He did not answer the question at all.
2. She did not help for father at all.
3. He did not know about the problem at all. “그는 문제에 대해 전혀 몰랐습니다.”
Expression 4 Let me+동사원형 “내가 ~할게요!”
1. Let me tell you the reason why I called you.
* reason why “~한 이유”
2. Let me help you find the write book.
3. Let me ask you an important question.
Expression 5 Will you ~? “~좀 해주시겠어요?”
1. Will you buy something at the store for me? “가게에서 ~ 사다
2. Will you come with me to the park?
3. Will you be home by 8 this evening? “저녁 8시 까지
집에 오는 건가요?”