Lesson 8
Expression 1. a couple of ~ “두 개, 서너 명까지”
1. A couple of neighbors want to get to together for coffee. “이웃들과 만나기로 했다.”
- get to together 친목을 위해
-> I’m getting to together with my
friend. I have get to together with my friend.
2. A couple of my friends are coming over after school. “학교 끝나고 친구들이 놀러 오기로
3. A couple of the guys from work invite it me to a party.
Expression 2. of one’s own <소유를 강조하고
싶을 때> “나의 것 중에는 ~”
1. I need to find some friends of my own to hang out with. “나랑 놀러 갈 친구를 찾아 봐야겠어요.”
- hang out 놀러 갈까?
2. Stop using my computer and buy one of your own. “내 컴퓨터 그만 쓰고, 너 것을 사라.”
3. He brought some food of his own to the movie-theater. “그는 그 자신의 음식물을 영화관에
가지고 갔다.”
Expression 3. sound+형용사(adjective) “그런 것 같아요”
1. That movie sounds scary and horrible.
2. The restaurant sounds interesting.(int^eresting)
3. The newest member of our club sounds funny.
Expression 4. not too ~ “너무 ~한 것은 아니다.”
1. They are not too far away from the store. “상점에서 그리 멀리 떨어진 것은 아닙니다.”
2. I hope he is not too tall.
3. It’s not too expensive for us. “우리에게 그건 비싼 게 아니에요.”
Expression 5. When can I + 동사원형 ~? “
1. When can I see you again for coffee?
2. When can I get the package? “언제 패키지를 수령 받을 수 있을까요?”
3. When can I talk to you on the phone? “언제 전화로 애기 가능한가요?”