Expression 1. There’s no ~: ~가 없어요.
1. There is no good show to watch on TV TV에 볼만한 제대로 된 프로그램이 없내
2. There is no good movie to see in the theater 영화관에 볼만한 영화가 없내
3. There is no milk in the fridge
4. There is no parking spot in the lot : 주차장에 주차할 공간이 없내
Expression 2. when+주어+동사: ~할 때
1. When you meet new people try to(트라이 루우) remember their names.
2. When you buy new clothes try to find good deals.
3. When you lose the house keys, call a neighbor.
Expression 3. for free: 공짜로
1. You can get books from the library for
2. He gave me this shirt for free.
3. The computer sales-man gave me a mouse for free.
Expression 4. I guess: ~인 거 같아, ~ 일 거 같아요.
1. I guess you need help moving the furniture.
2. I guess you can find good friends there.
3. I guess there are many problems with that jobs.
Expression 5. a bit of ~: 소량의~, 조금의~
1. There was a bit of food left after dinner. 저녁 식사가 끝나고 음식이 남았습니다.
2. She need it to borrow a bit of money from me. 그녀는 나에게로부터 약간의 돈을 빌려갔었다.
3. He need it a bit of time to finish his works.