2016 January 1 WEEK
1/1 Fri. 고백하기
M: Hey Jungchul. How’s it going? 요즘 어때?
W: Okay John. How about you?
M: Good. Umm.. I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me. 나랑 사귈 마음이 있는지 알고 싶은데.
W: Go out with you? Do you mean on a date?
M: Yes, on a date. That’s right.
W: I thought you weren’t interesting with me 넌 나한테 관심 없다고 생각했는데..
M: You’ve got me wrong. 네가 잘못 생각한 거야.
I was wondering if ~. : ~한지 궁금해요.
> I was wondering if I could ask you for a favor. “부탁 하나 할 수 있을까요?”
> I was wondering if that would work. “그게 효과 있을지 모르겠네.”
> I was wondering if you could give me some advice. “저에게 조언 좀 해 주세요.”
go out with ~ : ~와 사귀다.
> Are you going out with anyone? “너 누구랑 사귀니?”
> Do you want to go out with me? “너 나랑 사귈래?”
> I used to go out with Sohee “나 전에 소희랑 사귄 적 있어.”
get ~ wrong : ~를 오해하다.
> You got me wrong. I’ve never been there. “오해하는 거야. 나는 거기 간 적 없어.”
> You got me wrong. I’m not what you think I am.
“지금 오해하는 거에요. 난 당신이 생각하는 그런 사람이 아니에요.”
> You got her wrong. She moved
1/2 Sat.
M: Miranda. Are you satisfied with your current phone service?
W: Well, I have nothing to complain about. It works well. 불만스러운 건 없어. 잘 돼.
M: Don’t you want to get a smart phone?
W: I don’t think so. I just make calls with a phone.
M: You can use a lot of useful applications.
W: But I heard that it’s easy to be hacked.
be satisfided with ~ : ~에 만족하다.
> I’m satisfied with my job. “난 내 직업이 마음에 들어.”
> He’s satisfied with his major. “그는 그의 전공을 마음에 들어해.”
> They are satisfied with the service. “그들은 서비스에 만족해.”
make calls : 전화를 걸다.
> Remind me to make calls. “나한테 전화해야 한다고 알려 줘.”
> How do you make calls online? “인터넷으로 어떻게 전화해?”
> I was unable to make calls yesterday. “나 어제 전화를 할 수 없었어.”
useful : 유용한, 쓸모 있는
> It’s useful when I’m outside. “내가 밖에 있을 때 이게 유용해.”
> I found it very useful when traveling abroad. “해외 여행할 때 이게 굉장히 유용하단 걸 알았어.”
> Can you tell me some useful sites? “유용한 웹사이트 좀 알려 줄 수 있어?”
1/3 Sun.
M: Hi, Babra. Are you on the way? 오는 중이야?
W: Hi, Jake. No I’m still at work. 아직도 일하고 있어.
M: Still at work? Are you that busy? It’s 7 o’clock already. 그렇게 바빠?
W: I know. But I’ve got a ton of things to deal with. 할 일이 산더미 인 걸. a ton of things : 산더미
M: Okay. It’d be great time to spend some quality time together. 함께 좋은 시간을 보내면 좋을텐데.
W: I agree. Thank you for your understanding, Jake. 이해해줘서 고마워.
M: No problem. Let me bring some food to eat.
be on the way : 오는 중이다. 가는 중이다.
> Help is on the way. “도우러 가는 중이야.”
> I’m on the way to school. “학교 가는 길이야.”
> They told me thery’re on the way to tonight’s game.
“그들이 오늘 저녁에 가는 중이라고 말해줬어.”
that : 그렇게
> Did you really spend that much? “정말 그만큼이나 돈을 썼어?”
> He did well but no that good. “그는 괜찮게 했지만, 그렇게 잘한 건 아니야.”
> It wasn’t that exciting to be out in the woods. “숲 속에 있는 건 그렇게 재밌는 일이 아니였어.”
spend some quality time : 의미 있는 시간을 보내다.
> You should spend some quality time with your family. “너는 가족과 단란한 시간을 보내야 해.”
> My friends spend some quality time with me every now and then.
“내 친구들은 종종 나랑 즐거운 시간을 보내”
> Spending some quality time with my loved ones is always worth it.
“소중한 사람들과 함께 보내는 시간은 언제나 가치가 있어.”
@ I’ve got a ton of things to deal with
= I’m up to my ears in work. = I’m as busy as a bee. = I’m tied up with work. (일에 묶여 있어.)
= I got held up at work. (일에 매였어.) = I’m swamped with work. (일에 넘쳐있어.)
@ Quality 질, Quantity 양
> Quality matters more than quantity. 질이 양보다 더 중요하다.
> Quantity makes quality. 양이 질을 만든다.
> Efforts never betray you. 노력은 배신하지 않는다.
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