1. My favorite
- Your “favorite” means that it’s the one that you like the most among many options.
- You pick the one that you love the most.
My favorite musician is Alesso.
My favorite soccer team is England!
My favorite soccer club is Chelsea!
Spring is my favorite season.
My favorite artist is Vincent van Gogh.
1. practice: 연습하다.
- I think I’ll practice some more. 저는 연습이나 더 할게요.
- She practices playing the piano every day to perform much more perfectly.
2. among ~사이에, ~중에
- She is among the prize winners. 그녀는 수상자 중에 한 사람이에요.
3. option 선택 사항
- A variety of options is at our disposal. 다양한 선택 사항은 우리의 의지에 달려있다.
- What is said to be an option for men? 남자들에게는 어떤 것이 선택 사항이라고 하는가?
4. explain 설명하다, 해명하다
- It was difficult to explain the problem to beginners. 그 문제를 초보자에게 설명하기는 어렵다.
- She tried to explain but he wouldn’t listen. 그녀는 해명하려고 했지만 그가 들으려 하지 않았다.
5. quiet 조용한, 한산한
- Could you keep the kids quite while I’m on the phone?
나 통화하는 동안 애들 조용히 좀 시켜주겠니?
- Business is usually quieter at this time of year. 연중 이맘때는 보통 영업이 한산하다.
6. all of sudden 갑자기
- All of a sudden the temperature dropped sharply. 갑자기 기운이 뚝 떨어졌다.
- All of a sudden a figure appeared out of the fog. 안개 속에 홀연히 사람의 모습이 나타났다.
7. popular 인기 있는
- What trend is popular in styling these days? 요즘 어떤 트렌드가 유행인가요?
8. league 리그, 연맹
- She’s out of your league. 그녀는 너와 다른 세상에 살고 있어.
9. famous 유명한
- The boy tried to emulate the famous baseball player.
그 소년은 유명한 선수를 따라 하려고 애썼다.
10. teamwork 협동심, 팀워크
- The training in teamwork is very important. 팀워크 훈련은 굉장히 중요해요.
- Leadership and teamwork are important in any company.
리더쉽과 팀워크는 어떤 회사에서나 중요해요.
11. look at. ~을 보다
- Try looking at it from this angle. 이 각도에서 한 번 봐봐.
2. I am + noun
- When you want to talk about yourself, you can say “I am ~ “.
- I think “I am + a noun” is a good way to introduce yourself.
- You can talk about your job, nationality(국적), role(역할), etc(엣세르라).
- Don’t forget to use “a, an, or the” in front of the noun that describe you.
I am a college student.
I am a computer science engineer.
1. video clip 영상 클립
- Many people saw her video clip on YouTube. 많은 사람들이 유투브에서 그녀의 동영상을 보았다.
- Here is a clip from her latest movie. 여기 그녀가 최근에 출연한 짧은 영상이 있어요.
2. yourself 당신 자신
- Just be yourself. 그저 자신답게 행동하세요.
- You can only change yourself. 당신이 바꿀 수 있는 건 당신 자신 뿐입니다.
3. introduce 소개하다
- There are many people I’d like to introduce you. 소개해 드릴 사람이 많아요.
- Would you introduce me to some more Korean culture?
제게 한국의 문화에 대해 좀 더 소개해 주시겠어요?
4. nationality 국적
- The statement did not disclose two soldier’s nationality.
그 성명은 두 군인의 국적을 밝히지 않았다.
- His name and nationality were unclear. 그의 이름과 국적은 확실하지 않았다.
5. role 역할
- What on earth is your role? 도대체 당신의 역할이 무엇입니까?
6. in front of ~ 앞에
- Please pull up in front of the subway station. 지하철 역 앞에 세워 주세요.
- She talked nothing daunted in front of them. 그녀는 그들 앞에서 조금도 기죽지 않고 이야기했다.
7. describe 묘사하다.
- How do you describe this object? 그 물건을 어떻게 묘사하겠습니까?
- He described his childhood in the movie. 그는 영화에 자신의 유년기를 묘사했어요.
8. subject 과목
- What subjects are you talking? 당신은 무슨 과목들을 듣고 있나요?
9. simply 간단히
- To put it simply, he was dismissed. 간단히 말해 그는 해고 당했다.
- Simply add hot water and stir. 그냥 간단히 뜨거운 물을 부어 젓기만 하세요.
10. understand 이해하다.
- I don’t understand what he’s saying. 나는 그가 무슨 말을 하는 건지 모르겠다.
- Do you understand this instructions? 그 사용법 설명서 이해가 되시나요?
11. noun 명사
- A noun is the name of a person or a thing. 명사는 사람이나 사물의 이름을 말합니다.
- Most nouns have both a singular and a plural form.
대부분의 명사는 단수나 복수의 형태를 모두 가지고 있다.
12. daily life 일상 생활
- People often use gestures in their daily life. 사람들은 일상생활에서 제스처를 사용한다.
- Salt is indispensable in our daily life. 소금은 일상생활에 불가결한 것이다.
13. hard 열심히
- Everyone pushed hard and soon the car was moving.
모두 열심히 밀자 곧 차가 움직이기 시작했다.
- She kept hard at it, and became a good cook. 그녀는 열심히 했고, 훌륭한 요리사가 되었다.
14. part-time 아르바이트
- Do they help find part-time jobs? 아르바이트 자리 알선해 주나요?
- What do you do for part-time work? 아르바이트로 무슨 일을 하나요?
3. I am + adjective
- The “I am+ adjective(에V직티브)” is a very easy and basic expression.
- Here, adjective is adding extra information.
- It shows your personality(퍼V슨네럴리) or characteristics(케렉V터리스트V릭스).
- You can show who you are, both your inside and outside.
- You can tell people about how you feel or how you look.
- “I am” is even more useful when you introduce yourself.
> I am hungry.
> I am hppy right now!
> I am beautiful no matter what they say.
1. adjective 형용사
- An adjective is a describing word. 형용사는 묘사하는 단어입니다.
- Adjectives spice up your sentences. 형용사는 당신의 문장에 맛을 더해줍니다.
2. information(info) 정보
- None of the information is useful to me. 그 정보는 내게 하나도 쓸모가 없다.
- For information about museums and galleries, press two.
박물관과 미술관에 관한 정보는 2번을 누르십시오.
3. personality 성격
- His wife has a strong personality. 그의 아내는 성격이 강하다.
- The children all have very different personalities. 그 아이들은 모두 성격이 아주 많이 다르다.
4. characteristic 특성, 성격
- The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society.
의사 소통 욕구는 인간 사회의 핵심 되는 특징입니다.
- Describe every characteristic of Renaissance arts that you know.
르네상스 예술의 특징을 아는 대로 서술하세요.
5. inside and outside 안팎으로
- You should look thoroughly both inside and outside. 안팎을 모두 잘 살펴야 합니다.
- He has many friends inside and outside of his company. 그는 회사 안팎에 친구들이 많습니다.
6. bored 지루한
- The children quickly got bored with staying indoors.
아이들은 실내에 있는 것에 금방 지루해졌어요.
- There was a bored expression on her face. 그녀의 얼굴에 지루해하는 표정이 어려 있었어요.
7. even 훨씬
- The tentacles of satellite tv are spreading even wider.
위성 티비가 그 촉수를 훨씬 더 넓은 지역으로 뻗치고 있다.
- You know even less about it than I do. 넌 나보다 그것에 대해 아는게 훨씬 더 적어.
8. present 선물
- He was pleased at Mary’s present. 그는 메리의 선물을 받고 기뻐했어요.
- He brought back a present for each of us. 그는 저희들 한 사람 한 사람에게 선물을 갖고 왔어요.
9. get lost 길을 잃다.
- But if you get lost, just ask the conductor. 하지만 길을 잃으면, 역무원에게 물어보세요.
- She was concerned that she might get lost. 그년 길을 잃을까 봐 걱정이 된다.
10. hungry 배고픈
- Is anyone getting hungry? 누구 배고픈 사람 없어
11. wave 흔들다
- She declined the offer with a wave of her hand. 그녀는 손을 흔들며 그 제의를 거절했어요.
- She sent them away with an imperious wave of the hand.
그녀는 오만한게 손을 흔들어 그들을 물러가게 했어요.
12. thankful 고마워하는
- I am extremely thankful to him for his help. 그의 도움을 정말 고맙게 생각한다.
- Be thankful when receiving flowers at the hands of a person.
남에게 꽃을 받을 때는 감사를 표하라.
4. How about ~?
You can say “How about” when you want to suggest something.
Plus, you can also use this “How about?” expression when you want to know about other’s opinions.
How about you ? = What about you ?
How about eating out?
Are you tired? How about going outside for a break?
How about we have ice coffee?
How about pasta for dinner?
How about watching a moive together?
How about having dinner with our family?
1. seem ~ 인 것 같다.
- He does not seem to do his homework.
- They seem to be suffering from serious disease.
2. suggest 제안하다.
- He suggested a plan but it seemed to have an empty sound.
- I suggested taking a cab. 나는 택시 타는 것을 제안했다.
3. eat out 외식 하다.
- We usually eat out after work.
- We should cut down our eating out expenses.
4. opinion 의견, 생각
- There is a great diversity of opinion.
- What is your opinion?
5. stressed out 스트레스를 받은
- I am so stressed out these days.
- I get a body message whan I am stressed out.
6. skip 넘어가다.
- In consideration of the time, I’ll skip that part.
- It is easy to skip workouts when traveling.
7. meal 식사
- When did you last have your meal?
- I relish each meal that’s put in front of me.
8. sense of humor 유머 감각
- I love your sense of humor.
- He has a strange sense of humor.
9. marry ~ 와 결혼하다.
- He was free to marry whomever he chose.
- She determined to marry Sam.
10. realize 깨닫다.
- I didn’t realize I’d be staying over. “자고 가게 될 줄 몰랐어.”
- I didn’t realize you guys were Catholic
5. love ~ ing
When you like doing something, you can use the “I like ~ ing” expression.
When you really, really like it, you can use the “I love ~ing” expression.
I love listening to music.
I love socializing with friends.
She loves watching movies.v
He loves going to the club.
1. introduce 소개하다.
- There are many people I’d like to introduce you.
- Would you introduce me to some more Korean culture?
2. hobby 취미
- A hobby begins lat in life.
3. enjoy 즐기다.
- Snatch, seize and enjoy every moment of it. “매 순간을 잘 포착하고 이용하여 그것을 즐겨”
- They enjoy their leisure time at the seashore.
4. work out. 운동 하다.
- I am working out everyday these days.
- He worked out really hard to look like that.
5. hard 열심히
- Everyone pushed hard and soon the car was moving.
-She kept hard at it, and became a good cook.
6. be addicted to ~ 에 중독되다.
- Try not to be addicted to the bottle. 술에 빠지지 않도록 주의해라.
- Nowadays children are addicted to video games.
7. be into ~ 에 열중하다.
- My little kid is into the new toy car now.
- He’s into surfing in a big way.
8. happen (to) ~ 하게 되다, ~이 발생하다.
- I hope nothing has happended to them.
- What’s happened to your car?
9. weird 이상한
- His face looks a bit weird.
- The computer is being weird.
10. weight 몸무게
- My weight is a top secret.
- She has lost a lot of weight.
11. socialize 사람들과 어울리다.
- Maybe you sould socialize more.
- Walking is also a great way to socialize.
6. lots of
You use the “lots of” expression lots of times.
It is a very useful expression when you have a large number or amount of something.
It has the same meaning with “many” or “a lot of”.
You will hear this expression in daily conversations very often.
There are lots of people on the street. There are lots of people in line now!
There are lots of gifts!
There are lots of rides here!
There are lots of food stands here.
1. useful 유용한
- This can be useful in the future. 이것은 나중에 유용할 거에요.
- Here are some useful tips for you.
2. amount 양
- I ate much more than my usual amount.
- Those crackers have a small amount of salt.
3. meaning 의미
- There is a meaning for everthing. 모든 것에는 의미가 있습니다.
- Tell me the meaning of your tears.
4. a lot of 많은
- There is a lot fo traffic on Friday.
- It was a lot of fun.
5. daily 매일의 , 하루의
- Invoices are signed on a daily basis. 송장에는 일일 단위로 서명을 한다.
- They charge a daily rate. 그들은 날짜 단위로 작업 비를 부과한다.
6. conversation 대화
- The man intruded himself into our conversation. 그 사람은 우리의 대화에 끼어들었다.
- The problem came up in coversation. 그 문제가 화제에 올랐다.
7. co-worker 동료
- When does your new co-worker start?
- My co-worker was sick, so I had to carry the ball.
내 동료가 아파서 내가 책임지고 일을 해야 했다
8. guest 손님
- We are expecting many guests tonight.
- Please check out our guset policy.
9. bring 가져오다
- Don’t forget to bring your books with you.
- She brought her boyfriend to the party.
10. rides 놀이기구
- We checked out the list of amusement rides first.
- Universal studios are famous for their dynamice rides.
11. stand 가판대
- The woman is beside a flower stand.
- I want to look at the fashion magazines at that magazine stand.
12. crowded 사람들로 붐비는
- The street is crowded with people.
- I bet it’s pretty crowded with people about this time of a day.
분명 이 시간에는 사람이 아주 붐빌거에요.
13. in line 대기 중인
- People waited in line for new iPhone.
- Don’t dare cut in line. 절대 줄에 끼어들지마.
14. go on 진행하다.
- The couple will go on their honeymoon tomorrow.
- Do you exercise to keep slim or go one a diet?
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