2015 February 3 WEEK
2/16 Mon. 딸 아이의 장래 희망
M: My daughter said she wants to be a police officer.
W: I thought she always wanted to be a teacher.
M: She said she just changed her mind. 그녀는 생각이 바뀌었다고 하더라고.
W: Let your daughter do what she wants.
M: You are right. I guess I should just let her follow her heart. 마음 가는 대로 하도록 해야겠어.
@ Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. intuition 직관력, 직감, 직관
용기를 가지고 당신의 심장과 직관을 믿으세요.
They somehow already know what you truly want to become.
당신의 심장과 직관은 당신이 진실로 무엇이 되고 싶은 지를 이미 알고 있습니다.
Your time is limited, so don’t wasted it living someone else’s life.
당신의 시간은 제한돼있습니다. 그러니 남의 인생을 사느라 시간 낭비 하지 마세요
@ Don’t let me change my mind. “내 마음 바뀌게 하지마.”
@ W: What do you want to be when you grow up? / What is your career goal?
M: When I was a child, I wanted to become a scientiest. Now, I want to work in computer-science.
W: Follow your heart. But take your brain with you. 마음 가는 대로 따라가. 근데 뇌도 같이 가져가.
@ 직업의 종류 : electrician(전기공), engineer(기술자), salesperson(판매원), pilot(파일럿), designer(디자이너)
statesman(정치가), architect(건축가), accountant(회계사), professor(교수), official(공무원)
veterinarian(수의사), mechanic(기계공), jouralist(기자), editor(편집자)
2/17 Tue. 미용실에서 펌 하기
M: How would you like your hair cut?
W: Is my hair suitable for a perm? 파마해도 괜찮을 까요?
M: Sure.
W: Then I’d like a perm.
W: How long would a perm last? 파마 얼마나 가요? last 지속되다, 계속되다.
M: About 2 to 3 months.
W: It looks good. I love it.
2/18 Wed. 당신의 일상은? daily routine(하루 일상)
M: What’s your usual day like? 보통 하루를 어떻게 보내?
W: I usually get up around 6 a.m. and ...
M: Why do you get up so early?
W: I have a morning class at 7 a.m. So I have to leave home at 6.
M: And what time do you get off work?
W: Around 6 p.m. Then we have dinner around 6:30.
M: And what time do you usually go to bed?
W: I usually go to sleep at 11. But sometimes I stay up late. stay up late 늦게 잠자리에 들다.
@ get up/wake up -> press the snooze button(알람을 누르다) -> have a cup of coffee and make breakfast -> take a shower -> brush my teeth -> get dresses -> comb my hair ->
@ The alarm clock didn’t go off. “알람이 안 울렸어요.”
I slept in a little “늦잠잤어.”
I tosses and turned “엎치락 뒤치락 거렸어.”
2/19 Thu. 인터넷 뱅킹, 은행 방문
M: How often do you go to the bank?
W: Maybe once a year?
W: I use the Internet banking system instead of visiting the bank. instead of[인스V테럽]
M: I don’t use the internet banking system because it sounds of so complicated to me.
W: That’s fine. I think we just have different preference. 각자 다른 것을 선호하는 것 뿐인걸.
W: But it’s also helpful to get advice from the experts. 하지만 전문가의 조언을 받는 것도 도움이 돼.
get advice[게렛-바이스] expert[V엑스펄츠]
@ 고쳐야 할 발음 item[아이름], level[레블], system[시스뜸] license[라이쓴스]
@ How ofteh do you (동사)? > How often do you work out? How often do you eat out?
@ 은행 용어
1. deposit[디파짖] 돈을 맡기다. I’d like to deposit $30 into my account.
2. withdraw 돈을 인출하다. I’d like to withdraw $200 from my acoount.
3. transfer 이체하다. I’d like to transfer $400 from my account into this account.
@ I’d like to open an account. “예금 계좌 신규를 원합니다.”
What kind of account? “어떤 종류 말씀이십니까?”
A basic account and debit card, please. “보통 계좌랑 직불 카드도 함께요.”
Do you have any form of photo ID (with you)? “사진 첨부된 신분증 있으십니까?”
Could you please fill in this form? “이 양식 좀 작성 부탁 드리겠습니다.”
2/20 Fri. 공항 탑승 전
M: May I see your boarding pass? 탑승권을 보여주시겠습니까?
W: Here it is.
M: Take off your shoes and place all items directly in the bin provided.
bin 통 items directly[아이름 디렉틀리]
M: Please step into the body scanner.
M: We need to run your bag through again. run through ~을 (빨리) 살펴보다
W: Sure.
2/21 Sat. 노트북 구매하기.
M: Do you need any help? 도와드릴까요?
W: I’m looking for a laptop computer.
W: And I think that this one looks good. What OS does it run?
M: It runs Windows.
W: Does it have a touch screen?
M: Yes. You can use the keyboard and the touch screen.
W: Does it come with a warranty? 품질 보증이 되나요?
warrany 보증 (warr- 혀 끝이 아무 데도 닿지 않아야 -언티)
M: Yes. The warranty covers all manufacturer’s defect.
W: How long is the warranty period?
M: The warrany period for this laptop is one year from the original purchase date.
@ I’m looking or used laptop. “중고 노트북을 찾습니다.”
I am into this one. “이것에 꽂혔어요.”
2/22 Sun.
M: I have a question regarding my credit card. question[쿠-에스천] regarding ~에 관하여
W: Yes. Could give me more details? 더 자세히 얘기해줄 수 있나요?
M: My credit card is missing. I called and reported that my credit card is missing.
M: And now I’d like to confirm a charge on my credit card.
W: Please hold on for a minute. 잠시만 기다려주세요.
W: Let me transfer you to the person who can immediately help you with this problem.
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