2015 February 4 WEEK
2/23 Mon. 레스토랑 주문
M: May I take your order?
W: Are there any specials tonight?
M: Tonight’s specials are on the back on the menu. Tonight’s specials 오늘 저녁의 특선 요리
W: All right! I’d like a salmon steak.
M: What would you like to drink? 음료는 무엇으로 하시겠습니까?
W: Let me have a bottle of wine.
@ Can I help you? “제가 도와드릴까요?”
Don’t bother “그러지 않으셔도 돼요!” Don’t bother to answer. “일부러 대답할 필요 없어.”
Let me have my way “내 방식대로 해줘”
2/24 Tue. 복사기 종이
M: Where is the copier? 복사기 어디에 있어?
W: It’s in the back of break room, by the water cooler. water cooler 냉수기
M: Does it do duplex printing? duplex printing 양면 인쇄
W: Yes, it does.
M: I need more paper. Where do I find more paper?
W: You can find more paper in the cabinet in front of the break room.
@ He copied it word for word from Blog “그는 블로그에서 글자 그대로 베꼈다.”
word for word 글자 그대로
plagiarize 표절하다. plagiarism 표절
2/25 Wed. 탑승
M: Need a lift? 태워줄까? = Can I give a ride? Do you need a ride?
W: Yes, that would be great. 응, 그래주면 좋지.
M: Hop aboard! 얼른 타!
W: Where are you headed? 어디로 가는 거야?
M: I’m on my way home.
W: Hey! It’s a red light! Stop!
M: I’m sorry. I didn’t know that.
@ Stop 멈추시오, Give way 양보하시오. No entry 진입 금지, One way 일방 통행, Parking 주차,
No Parking 주차 금지, No Stopping 정차 금지, Keep left 좌측 차선 유지, slow down 속도를 줄여라
Do not overtake 추월 금지, Bus lane 버스 차선, No through road 관통 도로 아님, Caution 주의
Fog 안개, Diversion 돌아가시오, Detour 우회, Road Closed 통행 차단, Road works 도로 공사중,
Accident ahead 전방에 사고, Queue ahead 앞에 줄(도로 정체), On tow 견인, Services 휴게소,
Don’t drink and drive 음주 운전 금지, Merging 합류 지점
2/26 Thr. 미팅 잡기
M: I’d like to schedule a meeting with you next week.
W: Sure. When is convenient for you?
M: Let’s aim for next Wednesday.
W: Should we meet online or in person? 온라인으로 아니면 만나서 할까요? in person 직접
M: I’ll drop by your office. 사무실에 들리겠습니다. drop by = drop in = stop by = come by
W: Can you email me the details? 세부 사항을 메일로 보내주세요.
M: Sure.
@ schedule = make an appointment
I’d like to schedule a meeting with you next week
= I’d like to make an appointment for a meeting with you next week
@ aim for “정하다” aim “겨누다, 조준하다, 작정하다, 목표, 목적, 의도”
We are aiming for a 60 percent share of the Korea market. aiming for = planning to achieve
“우리는 한국 시작의 60% 목표를 달성하기 위해 노력한다.”
@ details = very specific information
Give me more details. “자세하게 얘기해봐.”
in detail 상세하게, 자세하게
Tell me about your career in detail “당신의 경력에 대해 상세하게 얘기해주세요.”
@ Let’s arrange a meeting with your parents. 부모님과 면담을 정합시다.
arrange the date of “~날짜를 정하다.”
@ in person = face to face 직접
@ before you go home. Please leave the document on your desk. Then I’ll pick it up in person.
2/27 Fri 레스토랑 주문
M: For dinner, would like the chicken or the fish?
W: I’d like the chicken.
M: What would you like to drink? “음료는 무엇으로 하시겠습니까?”
W: I’ll jush have a Sprite.
M: Will you be drinking wine with your dinner?
W: No, thanks.
M: May I get you anything else? “더 필요한 것은 없으신가요?”
W: Let me have some peanuts and pretzels.
2/28 Sat.
M: Are you all right? 괜찮아.
W: I think I have morning sickness. morning sickness 입덧
M: Do you feel like throwing up? throw up 토하다 = vomit
W: Leave me alone. I’m cranky. 나를 내버려둬. 나 짜증나. cranky 짜증을 내는
W: Just bring me ice cream.
@ motion sickness 멀미
@ Stop the vehicle! I’m about to throw up! “차 좀 멈춰주세요! 토하기 직전이에요!”
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