미국인이 많이 쓰는 문장[I-N]
미국인이 많이 쓰는 문장[I-N]In a sense, he is nothing but a suit.어떤 면에서 그는 꽝이야.Incredible.대단해.Is that all?그게 전부야?It is chilly.날씨 쌀쌀하네It is humid.습하다.It is muggy.날이 후덥지근하네. (온도와 습도가 높은 날씨)It is out of style.유행이 아니야.It is painful for me. 그건 나에게 참 고통스럽네.It is time for lunch.점심 식사할 시간이야.It is time to go. 갈 시간이야.It is windy. 바람이 부네.It makes sense.말 되네.It takes time.시간이 걸린다.It’s for you.여기 전화 왔어.It’s not fair. ..
미국인이 많이 쓰는 문장 [E-I]
미국인이 많이 쓰는 문장 [E-I][E]Easy does it.천천히 해요.Either will do.둘 중에 어떤 것이든 돼. (Anything will do.)Enjoy your meal. 맛있게 드세요.Enough is enough.충분 하니까 이제 그만 해.Exactly.바로 그거죠.Excellent! 좋아! 짱! (Super!)Excuse me.실례합니다. [F]Far from it.아직 멀었지.Fifty-fifty.50대 50 이지.Follow me. 따라 와For good?영원히?For what?왜? 무엇때매?Forget it.그것에 대해 잊어. 신경꺼. [G]Get in the line. 줄을 서.Get lost!당장 꺼져 버려!Get off my back.(등에 업혀 있지 말고) 이제 나..
미국인이 많이 쓰는 문장 [A-D]
미국인이 많이 쓰는 문장[A]A piece of cake.식은 죽 먹기야.Absolutely!당근!After you.먼저 가.Always.항상 그렇지.Amazing!대단하다!And then?그리고 나서?Any good ideas?어떤 좋은 생각이라도?Any time.언제라도.Anybody home?집에 누구 있어?Anything else?그 밖에 또?Are you in line?지금 줄에 서 있는 건가요?Are you kidding?장난하니?Are you serious?그거 진짜야?At last.드디어.Attention, please!주목 해 주세요.Awesome!와 멋있어! [B]Back me up. 뒤 좀 봐줘. (지원, Back up)Be my guest. 사양 하지마.Be patient. 조금만 ..
2015 February 4 WEEK
2015 February 4 WEEK2/23 Mon. 레스토랑 주문M: May I take your order?W: Are there any specials tonight?M: Tonight’s specials are on the back on the menu.Tonight’s specials 오늘 저녁의 특선 요리W: All right! I’d like a salmon steak.M: What would you like to drink? 음료는 무엇으로 하시겠습니까?W: Let me have a bottle of wine. @ Can I help you? “제가 도와드릴까요?” Don’t bother “그러지 않으셔도 돼요!” Don’t bother to answer. “일부러 대답할 필요 없어.” L..
2015 February 3 WEEK
2015 February 3 WEEK2/16 Mon. 딸 아이의 장래 희망M: My daughter said she wants to be a police officer.W: I thought she always wanted to be a teacher.M: She said she just changed her mind. 그녀는 생각이 바뀌었다고 하더라고.W: Let your daughter do what she wants.M: You are right. I guess I should just let her follow her heart. 마음 가는 대로 하도록 해야겠어. @ Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.intuition 직관력, 직감, 직관..
2015 February 2 WEEK
2015 February 2 WEEK2/9 Mon. 노트북 고장 나서 상담 전화W: Hello and thank you for calling SS. How can I help you?M: I have a problem with my laptop computer. W: Okay. What’s the problem?M: I bought one of your laptop computer about three weeks ago. M: But it just isn’t running right.작동이 잘 되지 않습니다. M: It always freezes.freeze - froze - frozen (시스템 고장으로 화면이) 동결되다, 멈추다.W: I think the laptop computer is infect..
2015 February 1 WEEK
2015 February 1 WEEK2/1 Sun. 호텔 입장M: Hi. I have a reservation. = I’ve got a reservation.W: And your name?M: I’ts John, John Stuart.W: John Stuart. That’s a room for the first.W: A room for four guests was booked under your name. @예약을 하고 싶다면? I wanna make a reservation. 2/2 Mon. 치과 병원 가기M: I just came in for a check up and a dental cleaning.check-up 검진, dental cleaning: 스케일링W: Let’s take a look. ..
01 January - 4 week
4 WEEK 1/19 MonW: Dad!M: What?W: The movie is over. You slept through the best part.최고의 장면에서 계속 주무셨어요.M: I dozed off during the last few minutes.doze off (특히 낮에) 잠이 들다W: So what did you think about it?M: I’m disappointed with the movie. I mean, the story somewhat bizarre.bizarre 이상하다W: I thought it was really fantasic and the special effects were awesome.special effects 특수 효과 1/20 TueM: Hello. C..
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